So I got bored with a plain brown dresser. I painted it white, then decided to take a picture. Still boring.

So I did this to it...

Not boring. This was done with wrapping paper, ribbon, and handles from the dollar store. I modge-podged the wrapping paper to the drawer. (I wonder if there is better glue for that, I got a few bubbles. Ideas anyone?) Then I glued black & white polkadot ribbon for the edging of the drawers, and put black handles (they are hard to see in the picture) in the middle. Cost: $7.50. The dresser was a hand-me-down. It'll do. I probably won't move it, though.
So cute! I love the back and white pattern. Now THAT is a frugal face lift! I always get frustrated watching shows that claim inexpensive decor ideas or wardrobe makeovers that really aren't that inexpensive. You know? Granted my budget is probably a little tighter than most but still. I can't believe you only spent $7.50. Good work Summer. Love it!
thanks! and yeah, i know about those "budget" shows. obviously, they don't think like a student. we are bargain shoppers at our best!
WOW! You should submit it to design sponge- it makes me want to try it on one of my old pieces furniture! Love it!
I love your dresser! I actually clicked on the link in Design*Sponge because I wanted to see if you had anything to say about avoiding bubbles with the modge-podge & wrapping paper; I've had the same issue. I'm thinking maybe a spray adhesive would work. Thanks for sharing your project!
saw your dresser today on design*sponge...loves it! did you ever find out an alternative to modge podge? i want to attempt a similar project. looking forward to catching up on your blog!
Wow, it's nice to see a bunch of new faces! In response to the dresser glue, I do think spray adhesive would have been better. But I haven't tried a similar project since, so, I have no experience yet to test it out. Let me know if any of you try it and get better luck. Thanks for checking my blog! I'll try to get more posts up soon.
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