Okay, so I'm a little behind on my blog. Oops. I have been officially running the sprint to Christmas since late September. Hence, only one post since then. Tisk, tisk. But, I'm repenting and posting some pics of the latest crafts. I sold these crystal ornaments at a few craft fairs this year. They are the acrylic jewels you put in candle displays. Turned out pretty fun.

And these are the glass blocks I sold at those craft fairs. (Hence, another reason why no posting has been going on.) These are glass blocks stuffed with Christmas lights and wrapped like a present. They add very nice light under a tree, on a mantle, in a window... I actually lucked out and got them put in a little shop about 20 minutes from my house. Very flattering.

And this is the fall tree. Well, branch, really. I took a branch and hot glued silk fall leaves on it. Talk about cheap! I did this for Thanksgiving. I had the silk leaves and glue already, so it only cost me time, and not much of it. This pic is a little late for the season, but it looked great on the mantle with the reflection from the mirror.

I'm also in the middle of more ornament making. I'll post pics soon, even though it might be past Christmas when I do.
Wow Summer! Great job on all of your projects. They all look great and I'm glad you had the chance to sell them.
Yeah, you posted! Fun pictures. Send more! When in the WORLD do you find time to do all this?
I don't know. I really, really don't know where to find time for this. But if you ask the bags under my eyes, they might know.
Summer! Its Courtney (Anderton). Blast from the past! How are you? WHERE are you? Get in touch if you can!
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