I made a bunch of backpacks when my sisters came for a visit. They were for Christmas gifts, I just gave them 6 months early because we used them on a trip to New York. But I forgot to take pictures of the backpacks before I gave them away. So, here is one I made for myself. Kind of fun. And you only need about 1/3 yard fabric to do the whole thing. I lined it, so it would be 1/3 yard of both fabrics.

I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out. And really pleased that it used up a ton of my scrap fabrics. So, this project fits with my attempts of being resourceful and giving something more than one purpose. Not only does it put the pretty fabric to good use, it cleans up my "creativity corner." (My dad lovingly labels these kinds of craft supply corners "crap supply" corners.) And as I mentioned in one of my (way) earlier posts, this project also fits with my desire to do handmade gifts this year. Whatever it is, it's nice to be happy with what you accomplish, and clean up and out all at the same time.